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  An extra·ordinary experience astonishes us and overcomes our concepts and patterns.
It stretches our mind hence it will never be the same again.

THE SEARCH Retreats equip you with knowledge, inspiration and tools from the core domains of current psychology, Carl Gustav Jung and Buddhism in three consecutive modules. So well prepared, all you need is a spark to light your way with courage and commitment. Through adventures in your own body and in nature, we ignite a fire of enthusiasm inside you.
A fire shared with like-minded people that will never extinguish.
In addition to the modules, we take you on excursions into special areas of life's journey.
That you see the world with different eyes.
May your search reveal what you already possess.


Module I
A journey begins
Module III
Love, death and
all their friends
Module II
Into the shadows - Into the light

FIND a radical understanding of this journey called life. Begin to unfold your very own life by learning its underlying laws and gathering mental techniques that enrich your path with joy, ease, and success.

Journey’s con
• a world of POLARITY: your golden mean in the balance of opposites
• a hammock for the soul: sheltered in UNITY
• the Gateway to peace and infinite power: your SUBCONSCIOUS
• GOAL CULTIVATION: true goal setting and effective realization
• off to EVERYDAY LIFE: implementation into YOUR LIFE

LEARN Mental Techniques
• meditation basics
• Buddhist meditations for relaxation, joy and focus
• guided meditations
• trance techniques for inner exploration
• programming of goals
• including “a hammock for the soul”, “my holy space”, “the mountain lake”


FIND a complex map of the unconscious territory and the traces drawn into the soil of your manifest life by its vehement forces. Bring light into your concealed shadows in order to unlock a catapult of personal development and limitless potential.

Journey’s content
• Dig for your hidden gold: your shadows, your unseen potential to unfold
• Transform deep-seated beliefs that block you into solid amplifiers of what you’re striving for
• Integral teachings from east and west – from old gold and new masterpieces: of chakras, archetypes and neuroplasticity

LEARN Mental Techniques
• extended energetical meditations – let the light shine through!
• complex trance techniques for the exploration of the unconscious
• transformation of shadows and beliefs
• including "regeneration of chakras“, "my laboratory”, “my rose bush”


FIND love and ease in matters that are furthest from it in our Western norms of life. Life depressurizes with a saner concept of fear towards the last travel. Touch sides with Death and all his friends. Find out what you’re really burning for. And take it back to the start. Come full circle with your inner child to grasp a wholesome understanding of life and pure joy in the NOW. NOW is where the magic happens.

s content
• Encounter deep-rooted fears and make the essential choice between LOVE & FEAR
• Love your neighbor as yourself!? Let’s get to the bottom of what LOVE really means and how far we can expand it over our beloved ones
• Get in touch with an old friend. One of your most reliable companions ever since. He’s always been holding you back and will show up for sure. He can free you from 99% of anxieties AND accordingly, is your greatest teacher: Death.

LEARN Mental Techniques
• deep states of trance in abundance
• exploration of your purpose & inner fire
• encounter death as a friend with priceless advice
• including “journey through a lifetime”, “playing with fire”, “the endgame”













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